Local Yo-Yo Clubs

Local Yo-Yo Clubs are an excellent way to meetup with like minded Yo-Yo Players to learn new tricks, try new yo-yos and to share the all the fun that comes with a yo-yo. Yo-Yo Clubs usually meet on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis in a safe public space such as local parks, retailers, and more. We will maintain a list of local yo-yo clubs on this page, and if you would like to see yours added please let us know about your club by contacting us at info@yo-yoshop.com. If you don't see a Yo-Yo Club listed in your area, that means that one probably hasn't been started yet and all it takes is two yo-yo players setting a time and place to meet to create one. Before you know it you'll attract new players and as people find out about your club more will join.


Arizona, Phoenix
Allyoyo Website

Arizona, El Mirage
West Side Throwers
Club meets hosted by Devin Schulz

California, Alameda
Spin Doctorsss Yo-Yo Club
Spin Doctors Yo-Yo Club Facebook Group


California, Artesia
DXL Crew
DXL Crew Instagram

California, Chico

Chico Yo-Yo Club

Chico Yo-Yo Club Website

Colorado, Littleton
Mile High Yo-Yo Club (South Denver)
Club meets hosted by Dave

Colorado, Dim Westminster
Mile High Yo-Yo Club (North Denver)
Club meets hosted by Todd

Florida, Orlando
Orlando Yo-Yo Club
Orlando Yo-Yo Club Facebook
Orlando Yo-Yo Club Facebook Group

Central Florida Yo-Yo Club
Florida Yo-Yo Players Facebook Group

Georgia, Marietta

Marietta Yo-Yo Club
Club meets hosted by Mark Diehr

Maryland, Hunt Valley
Alternate Worlds Skill Toys Club
Alternate Worlds Website

Michigan, Livonia
Downtown Plymouth Yo-Yo Club
Downtown Plymouth Yo-Yo Club Instagram

New York, New York
New York Yo-Yo Club
New York Yo-Yo Club Website

North Carolina, Morgantown
NC Yo-Yo Chuckers
Club meets hosted by Brandon S

New Jersey, Woodbury
Tiki Tiki Yo-Yo Club
Tiki Tiki Yo-Yo Club Instagram

Ohio, Akron
Portage Lakes YoYo Club
Portage Lakes YoYo Club Facebook
Club meets hosted by Janine Williams

Ohio, Cleveland
The Cleveland Yo-Yo Club
The Cleveland Yo-Yo Club Facebook

Tennessee, Nashville
YoYoNashville Facebook Group

Washington, Kenniwick:
Tricities Yo-Yo Club
Tri-Cities Yo-Yo Club Facebook Group

DMV Throwers Club (DC Metro Area)
DMV Throwers Club Facebook Page
DMV Throwers Club Facebook Group


Toronto / Ontario
Toronto Yo-Yo Club
Toronto Yo-Yo Club Facebook Group


British Columbia




